With current craze of creating a new genre of Mtb that suits your specific riding style. I thought that this could become one of the greatest Mtb moves of late... Just think about that for a second, it opens up new markets, thus making Mtb more financially stable.
Anyway, this got me thinking, why not start a new one. You see living in a relatively flat area I do not have the opportunity to go for a Dh ride as much as I would like. I then thought, why spend most of my time trying to beg people to come with me. Because of this I have decided to create a new style of Mtb that solves all my problems. I call it Casual Dh.
Now although there are no rules as such there are some guideline's, these may or may not be possible with everyone's trail.
The Guidelines are:
· Casual DH is pretty much a set of casual races. It would work well for groups of up to ten people.
· Competitors must ride either from their house or 1km to the track.
· No bikes that were last bought for over $2000 can compete.
· The track must not take over 2 mins to complete.
· I suggest building your own trail.
· There must be a small uphill section.
· Incorporating a pump/rhythm section is a good idea.
· Must be ridden the first time anyone sees it.
· Times must be rounded to the nearest second.
· Possible novelty events such as, No pedaling, team events etc.
I am currentley in the process of building a trail for this purpose... Expect some picture soon.
Good idea Peet - and good writing too.